Layout design

All permission and approvals

Project Report Loan Syndication

PPA / BOLT / Net metering arrangements

EPC Contractors

All type of servicing or AMC.


The Company in association with India Energy Exchange(IEX), members, offers power trading services 24X7 either through State Grid or National Grid for the HT Consumers having installed capacity more than 1MW.This service is available pan India from Kanyakumari to Kashmir.

This helps the HT consumers to save their power cost substantially ranging from 10 to 15% depending on the location of the plant and the plant load capacity. To avail this service one has to send us their E B bills for last three months for working the details of savings to take the proposal ahead.


The company is offering an energy monitoring software in collaboration with an internationally acclaimed technology firm, which will help all HT consumers of energy to monitor and save the power cost by way of minimising the loss of energy for its plant operations by way of drawing all types of MIS on their energy consumption.

The key features of the software are given below

SMART Energy Monitoring solution tracks instant data, analyses data, predict patterns, usage, behaviour and various other parameters of power consumption resulting in actionable insights, thus saving minimum 5 % up to 10% (but not limited to) of operational energy expenses.

Instant real time Monitoring of energy consumption for each and every individual Machine to track and increase Productivity.

24 /7 instant Monitoring of All Machine in one common Dashboard in Mobile and Laptops Anywhere, Anytime around the world

Real time Trend Analysis of reports in dashboard based on actual Usage & predict work pattern, make corrective measures then and there instantly, which results in fine tuning the Process and increase in productivity and Efficiency of Machine and Resources .

Know where exactly power is over utilised or underutilised, Monitor peak Shoot, idle time of Machineries, Prevent Wear and Tear proactively, Set custom rules to make Employees responsible for what they do, Analyse the exact Power consumption and plan from day 1 onwards rather than waiting for the 30th day which results in huge Electricity bill.

Detect unwanted usage of data and detect Dynamic Tracking of issues.

Trustworthy secured data. Avoid human error based on manual reading. Receive automated real time data of all the Machineries every 15 mins in one common dashboard.

Identify idle running of huge HP motors, plan in advance to go in for optimal HP motors based on actual usage.

Plan Productivity efficiently based on the LIVE data.

SMART will support your team in all aspects from day 1 of the Installation by studying your current Industry working and Energy usage Pattern, study Productivity and deliver a report in one month to improve and implement the Factors to help you get your ROI back at the very earliest point of time.


The Company has a team of Technical Experts with vast experience on energy management backed by technology solutions to undertake energy audit for any type undertaking weather it is manufacturing or service industry. Since cost of energy forms part of a major overhead to any organisation, the energy efficiency plays a major role to maximise profit of the organisation and it also contributes to the cause to environment.

Upcoming Online Service


This is a portal based online service solutions that will cater to the Indian public at large, who are having power connection with a roof which can be converted to solar power electricity system on net metering basis, wherein the green energy will be substituted to the polluting high cost energy.

For availing the benefits, the power consumer in general has to come to our on line portal for registration by providing the following KYC requirement like:

1. E B Meter No.

2. Aadhar Card no.

3. Roof Size

4. PAN no.

5. Consent to installation.

With this information TEAMSEC will provide the solution for installing solar roof top power at no cost to the roof owner by way of integrating with Investor, Renewable and Green Energy Ministry and the respective state power distribution companies wherein the consumer has to pay for the units consumed by him as the said payment will be adjusted towards the solar installation cost. The respective agreement can be signed for the period of 25 years, so that the investor can make the profit after adjusting the investment.